NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay

NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay

Child Abuse in the Preschool Age Group

Child mistreatment and maltreatment can impact children in various age brackets, encompassing preschool-age kids. In this particular age category, several forms of maltreatment are frequently observed. These encompass Physical Abuse, where preschoolers may endure physical harm that becomes evident through unexplained bruises, welts, or burns on their physical well-being. Neglect denotes situations in which parents or caregivers may fall short in delivering adequate sustenance, clothing, or oversight, resulting in malnourishment, substandard hygiene, or unsupervised exposure to unsafe conditions. Emotional Abuse involves consistent acts of demeaning, humiliating, or ridiculing a child, giving rise to diminished self-regard, heightened anxiety, or depressive tendencies (Fortin, 2020) NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay.

Warning Signs and Assessment Findings

Nurses should be vigilant for signs of abuse in preschoolers, including unexplained injuries, delays in physical or emotional development, regressive behaviors, and fear of parents or caregivers. Physical assessment findings may include evidence of repeated injuries or signs of malnutrition. Emotional signs could encompass behavioral changes, withdrawal, or aggression.


Cultural Variations

Cultural practices may sometimes be misidentified as child abuse. For instance, practices such as co-sleeping, certain dietary restrictions, or specific disciplinary approaches may vary among cultures. Healthcare professionals need to be culturally competent and distinguish between abusive situations and culturally rooted practices.

Reporting Mechanism and Nurse Responsibilities

In California, healthcare professionals are mandated reporters of child abuse. Reporting typically involves contacting the local Child Protective Services (CPS) agency or a designated hotline. Nurses have a legal and ethical obligation to report suspected cases promptly while maintaining patient confidentiality (Forsner et al., 2021).

Factors Increasing Vulnerability

Two significant factors that can increase the vulnerability of school-age children to abuse are Limited Verbal Communication, where preschoolers may have limited verbal skills, making it challenging for them to express their feelings, increasing their vulnerability and Dependency on Caregivers as preschoolers are highly dependent on their caregivers, making them more susceptible to abuse from those responsible for their care.


Fortin, K. (2020). When Child Neglect Is an Emergency. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 21(3), 100784.

Forsner, M., Elvhage, G., Ewalds-Kvist, B. M., & Lützen, K. (2021). Moral challenges when suspecting abuse and neglect in school children: A mixed method study. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 38, 599-610.


NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay sample 2

Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Abuse is an action that intentionally injures or harms another person (Merrild & Frost, 2021). These forms of abuse can differ from emotional, sexual, physical, medical, and verbal abuse. The selected age group is infants, the most abused and vulnerable group NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay. Infants in their first year of life have the highest victimization percentage.

Warning signs revealing neglect include hunger, poor growth and development patterns, and delays in development (Greene, 2020). As healthcare workers, it is vital to be aware and able to recognize possible signs of abuse in our clients via our assessments. Infants are defenceless and exposed to the risks of diverse types of abuse. For instance, physical abuse signs consist of abrasions, broken bones, and burns. Sexual abuse involves bleeding, itching, pain, or bruising around the genitals. Emotional abuse signs consist of excessive crying and often reveal extreme behaviour. They can also have serious brain injuries from shaken baby syndrome.

There are diverse cultural variations of health practices that can be misrecognized as child abuse, like dry cupping, birth marking, and moxibustion. For instance, dry cupping is a practice utilized as a Western tradition, primarily used in Middle Eastern, Asian, and European nations. Dry cupping is a form of utilizing a cup as suction on the walls of the abdomen to relieve constipation. After this treatment, some redness on the skin might be seen as a form of child abuse. Healthcare workers need to consider the children’s culture when examining them. When a client is admitted, it is the nurse’s responsibility to evaluate the client for any kind of abuse. For Florida State, whether one is a healthcare provider or not, every individual is expected to reach out to the Florida abuse hotline when it is suspected or known that a child has been abused, neglected, exploited, or abandoned.


Merrild, C. H., & Frost, L. (2021). Identifying signs of child neglect and abuse in general practice. Danish Medical Journal68(2), A05200396 NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay.

Greene, C. A., Haisley, L., Wallace, C., & Ford, J. D. (2020). Intergenerational effects of childhood maltreatment: A systematic review of the parenting practices of adult survivors of childhood abuse, neglect, and violence. Clinical psychology review80, 101891.


NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay sample 3

Child abuse encompasses any action or a series of actions, whether deliberate or neglectful, carried out by a parent or another caregiver, leading to harm, potential harm, or a threat of harm to a child. Child abuse takes various forms, including physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, or a combination of these. In a comprehensive examination or holistic assessment, nurses must also be vigilant in identifying signs and symptoms of abuse. Incidents of child abuse often occur within the child’s home, and the perpetrator is frequently a close family member or primary caregiver. NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay Risk factors associated with various forms of abuse include factors such as poverty, mental illness, and alcohol or substance abuse (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Factors that increase the risk of childhood victimization include living in a single-parent household, residing in a home without either biological parent, exposure to intimate partner violence, low socioeconomic status, having a disability, or being a member of a minority racial/ethnic group. Adolescents face additional risk factors such as homelessness, disability, alcohol use, and identifying as gay or bisexual (Karakashian, 2022). Physical signs of abuse may sometimes be evident through a physical examination, but abuse can also occur without visible physical indicators. These physical signs include injuries that cannot be explained or that are inconsistent with the provided explanation by the parent or caregiver, such as a spiral fracture resulting from an alleged swing blow. Children may be very reluctant to discuss such incidents and may even deny them due to fear (Grand Canyon University, 2022). When speaking with the child or adolescent, it’s essential to do so away from the suspected offender(s) and parents whenever possible. It is crucial not to ask leading questions or pressure the child into discussing the abuse. Instead, age-appropriate questions should be posed, and tools like paper for drawing or representative dolls can be used to assist the child in identifying the location of sexual abuse or injury and the perpetrator (Karakashian, 2022). Caregivers may not be aware that abuse is happening, or they may be aware but refuse to acknowledge it. Addressing children regarding such a sensitive matter must be done with great care, sensitivity, and patience. Behavioral indicators that might suggest abuse include fearfulness, inappropriate sexual behavior, abnormal or irrational fears, and social withdrawal. The consequences of child abuse often have a lasting impact and necessitate ongoing support and therapy. Parents should be educated about preventing abuse and recognizing its signs and symptoms so they can respond promptly. Nurses can also refer caregivers to community and social services and coordinate the provision of appropriate services through case management NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay. If there is suspicion of abuse, it is crucial to report it to the case manager and child protective services immediately (Grand Canyon University, 2022).


Grand Canyon University. (2022). Health Assessment: Foundations for Effective Practice. Age-Appropriate Approach to Pediatric Health Care Assessment.

Karakashian, A. L., & Schub, T. (2022). Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents: Females. CINAHL     Nursing Guide NRS-434VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Child Abuse Discussion Essay