Interaction of nurse informaticists with other professionals

Nursing informaticists and data or technology specialists play an important role in the healthcare industry, as they often oversee the implementation of new technologies and ensure that the data is secure and used correctly. In my healthcare organization, I have witnessed firsthand how these professionals interact with other professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel. These interactions typically involve the informaticists and/or specialists helping implement new technologies and/or data systems, such as electronic medical records (EMR) or computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems. They also work with other healthcare personnel to ensure that all system users understand how to use it correctly and securely. The nurse informaticists and/or specialists will often provide one-on-one training to educate staff on the new system, provide support if there are any issues, and answer any questions that may arise (Matney et al., 2021).

One strategy on how these interactions might be improved

One strategy for improving interactions between nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists and other healthcare personnel is for the informaticists and/or specialists to better understand the needs and challenges of the other personnel. This could be done by establishing regular meetings with other team members, listening to their concerns and ideas, and providing feedback on how the new technologies and/or data systems can be used to meet the team’s needs (O’Connor & LaRue, 2021). This would help to create an open and collaborative environment where everyone can work together to improve patient care.


The impact of the continued evolution of nursing informatics

The continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and the emergence of new technologies will likely positively impact professional interactions. As new technologies and data systems are implemented, healthcare personnel will become more comfortable and willing to collaborate with informaticists and/or specialists. This should lead to increased efficiency and improved patient care. Additionally, the emergence of new technologies will also lead to more opportunities for informaticists and/or specialists to develop new skills and knowledge, which can be used to better serve the healthcare organization and its patients (Kleib et al., 2021).


Kleib, M., Chauvette, A., Furlong, K., Nagle, L., Slater, L., & McCloskey, R. (2021). Approaches for defining and assessing nursing informatics competencies: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis19(4), 794-841.

Matney, S. A., Langford, L. H., & Staggers, N. (2021). Are nursing informatics competencies good enough?. JBI Evidence Synthesis19(4), 747-748.

O’Connor, S., & LaRue, E. (2021). Integrating informatics into undergraduate nursing education: A case study using a spiral learning approach. Nurse Education in Practice50, 102934.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.

Nurse Informatics Interaction and Strategies

Great post Bertina! I can relate with you about the importance and the transformation of nursing filed. Nurse informaticists continue to play a critical role in supporting the delivery of quality care. Technological advancements have seen an enhancement in care delivery through improved communication, the effectiveness of nursing plans, and the general improvement of the patient’s well-being. The implementation of technologies has continued to promote patient safety and improve collaboration among healthcare professionals. Nurse informaticists interact with their healthcare specialists when implementing the new electronic health systems and other data systems (Wilson et al.,2019). The nursing care data plays a significant role in operational procedures, which support effective and better decision-making.

The data collected helps increase the productivity of the overall health care system, increase efficiency, and ensure the health care professional performance is increased. The fundamental purpose of nursing informatics is to help streamline random data into properly organized knowledge. Therefore, nurse leaders must ensure that they develop a data-informed environment in the healthcare industry. Nurse informatics should ensure that every system user can understand and use the system correctly and safely. The nurse informaticists are responsible for offering training to help in educating the staff and other team members on the new system and its features, offer support and address any issues that arise from the use of the system (Wilson et al.,2019). The nurse informaticists are therefore involved in observing, supervising, maintaining, and supporting another system user. This ensures that other specialists feel more comfortable when using the technology. They are focused on providing essential solutions to improve overall patient care. Therefore, the interactions ensure enhanced collaboration and communication among the healthcare team members and aim to improve overall nursing care plans and processes.

 Strategies to Improve the Interactions

Various strategies can be implemented to help in enhancing the collaboration among healthcare specialists and nurse informaticists. One of the strategies is for the nurse informaticists to understand the other specialists’ needs clearly. This can be done by regularly evaluating the challenges and holding regular meetings (Vehko et al.,2019). Understanding the other personnel’s needs can help create a more collaborative environment as feedback is given. To enhance the collaborative experience, the nurse informaticists need to sharpen their communication skills   which is essential when interacting with other specialists. Therefore, these strategies are critical in supporting collaborative experience among health care specialists’ interactions with the nurse informaticists.

 The Impact of the Continuous Nursing Informatics Evolution

            The evolution of nursing informatics has been rapid in the recent past. Nursing informatics is defined as the integration of nursing with information technology to help in supporting the health of people around the world. Furthermore, nursing informatics remains to be vital in supporting effective decision-making (Saputra & Arif, 2019). Nursing professionals are therefore required to deliver quality and safe health care in a more technical and digital environment. The impact of nursing informatics evolution has formed a fundamental foundation for using evidence-based practice (Saputra & Arif, 2019). Therefore, nurses need to continue engaging with information systems to help improve the delivery of high-quality and safe health care. Therefore, it is essential to encourage nurse informaticists to improve their skills through training and education. In addition, having the management and leadership ensure that the nurse informaticists adheres to the policies related to information technology initiatives may help derive the benefits from implementing and adopting technology into the health care and nursing processes and practice.



Saputra, C., & Arif, Y. (2019). Nursing informatics system in health care delivery. KnE Life Sciences, 38-46. to an external site.

Vehko, T., Hyppönen, H., Puttonen, S., Kujala, S., Ketola, E., Tuukkanen, J., … & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Experienced time pressure and stress: electronic health records usability and information technology competence play a role. BMC medical informatics and decision making19(1), 1-9. to an external site.

Wilson, M. L., Elias, B. L., & Moss, J. A. (2020). Education in Nursing Informatics. Informatics Education in Healthcare, 23-43.